RelationalAI Native App Upgrades#

RelationalAI (RAI) Native Applications receive automatic upgrades with each new RAI release. Subscribe to the release notes to be notified when new versions are available. RAI schemas are automatically upgraded with the application, but additional steps are required to fully upgrade RAI engines.


You don’t need to recreate compute pools for the RAI service or RAI engines after an upgrade. This is only necessary if you reinstall the application.

Step 1: Suspend CDC#

If Change Data Capture (CDC) is enabled, suspend it by running the following command:


Step 2: Upgrade RAI Engines#

To upgrade existing engines, recreate them with the same name. Any new engines created post-upgrade will use the new engine version.

  1. Delete the existing engine:

    #CALL relationalai.api.delete_engine('<engine_name>');
  2. Recreate the engine:

    #CALL relationalai.api.create_engine('<engine_name>', '<compute_pool_name>', '<engine_size>');

Ensure the CDC engine is upgraded the same way, without changing the name.

Step 3: Upgrade RAI Libraries#

RAI libraries provide the core functionality for RAI engines to execute queries. Use the following command to upgrade the libraries for all existing engines:

#CALL'<schema_name>', '<engine_name>');

Step 4: Resume CDC#

If CDC was suspended at the start of the upgrade process, resume it by running:


Step 5: Upgrade the RelationalAI Python Package#

Always use the latest version of the relationalai Python package, especially after upgrading the RAI native app.

To upgrade the package:

  1. Activate your project’s virtual environment:
    ## Linux/macOS
    source .venv/bin/activate
     # Windows
  2. Upgrade pip and the relationalai package:
    #python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    python -m pip install --upgrade relationalai