
#Date(val: Any) -> Expression

Checks if a value is a date. Must be called in a rule or query context. Date values are constructed using the date() function. To check if a value is a datetime, use DateTime().


valAnyThe value to check.


An Expression that filters date values.


Use Date() to check if a value is a date:

#import relationalai as rai
from relationalai.std.dates import Date, date

# Create a model named "people" with a `Person` type.
model = rai.Model("people")
Person = model.Type("Person")

# Add people to the model.
with model.rule():
    # Add a person with a birth date as a string.
    Person.add(name="Alice", birth_date="2021-01-01")
    # Add a person with a birth date as a Date.
    Person.add(name="Bob", birth_date=date(2021, 1, 1))

# Get names and birth dates of people, provided the
# .birth_date property is a Date value.
with model.query() as select:
    person = Person()
    Date(person.birth_date)  # Filter Date values.
    response = select(, person.birth_date)

# Only people where 'birth_date' is a date are returned.
# Output:
#   name birth_date
# 0  Bob 2021-01-01

If val produces no Date values, Date(val) will not filter any values, possibly resulting in an empty query result:

#import relationalai as rai
from relationalai.std.dates import Date

# Create a model named "people" with a `Person` type.
model = rai.Model("people")
Person = model.Type("Person")

# Add a person to the model.
with model.rule():
    Person.add(name="Bob", age=30)

with model.query() as select:
    person = Person()
    response = select(

# Output:
# Empty DataFrame
# Columns: [name]
# Index: []

Date(person.birth_date) does not produce True or False values. Instead, it filters the values produced by person.birth_date to only include Date values. If you need a True or False value, you can use a Model.match() context:

#import relationalai as rai
from relationalai.std.dates import Date, date

# Create a model named "people" with a `Person` type.
model = rai.Model("people")
Person = model.Type("Person")

# Add some people to the model.
with model.rule():
    Person.add(name="Alice", birth_date="2021-01-01")  # birth_date is a string.
    Person.add(name="Bob", birth_date=date(2021, 1, 1))  # birth_date is a date.

# Check if birth_date is a date.
with model.query() as select:
    person = Person()
    with model.match() as matched:
        # If person.birth_date is a date, add True to matched.
            matched.add(person, is_date=True)
        # Otherwise, add False.
            matched.add(person, is_date=False)
    response = select(, person.birth_date, matched.is_date)

# Output:
#     name  birth_date  is_date
# 0  Alice  2021-01-01    False
# 1    Bob  2021-01-01     True

See Also#