
#rai profile:switch [OPTIONS]

Switch to a different profile.


--profileTextThe profile to switch to. If missing, you are prompted to select the profile interactively.


Use the profile:switch command to switch the active profile to a different profile. For example, to switch to the profile named my-profile, execute the following command:

#$ rai profile:switch --profile my-profile


✓ Switched to profile 'my-profile'


If no profile named my-profile exists in the configuration file, an error message is displayed:

#$ rai profile:switch --profile my-profile


Profile 'my-profile' not found


If the --profile option is missing, you are prompted to select the profile interactively. In the following example, there are three profiles in the configuration file named dev, prod, and test, and the user selects the test profile:

#$ rai profile:switch


? Select a profile:
│❯   3/3                                                                                   │
│  dev                                                                                     │
│  prod                                                                                    │
│❯ test                                                                                    │


✓ Switched to profile 'test'


Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate the list of profiles. You may search for a profile by typing the profile name in the prompt.

See Also#