
#ContextSelect.__call__(*args: Producer) -> Context

Selects the data to be returned by a query and returns the ContextSelect object’s Context object. May only be used in a query context.


*argsProducerThe objects, properties, and expressions to return in query results.


A Context object.


In a Model.query() context, the ContextSelect object returned by Model.query().__enter__() is called inside the with block to select query results:

#import relationalai as rai

model = rai.Model("books")
Book = model.Type("Book")

# Add a book to the model.
with model.rule():
    Book.add(name="Foundation", author="Isaac Asimov")

# Get the names of all of the books in the model.
# `select` is a `ContextSelect` object and it is called to return the
# `book.name` property for each book found by the query.
with model.query() as select:
    book = Book()
    response = select(book.name)

# Output:
#         title        author
# 0  Foundation  Isaac Asimov

See Also#