Compute Resources#

The RelationalAI (RAI) Native App requires compute resources to evaluate queries from RAI Python models. This section provides an overview of these compute resources and how they are managed. For information on costs associated with these resources, see Cost Management.

Table Of Contents#

App Warehouse#

The RAI Native App utilizes an X-SMALL Snowflake warehouse for Snowflake interoperability. This warehouse is named RELATIONAL_AI_ERP_WAREHOUSE and is fully managed by the native app. It is automatically provisioned when you activate the app and suspended when you deactivate the app.

See the Snowflake documentation for information on managing warehouses.

Compute Pools#

To run on Snowpark Container Services, the RAI Native App requires three compute pools:

NameInstance FamilyDescription
RELATIONAL_AI_ERP_COMPUTE_POOLCPU_X64_XSUsed for internal app operations.
RELATIONAL_AI_COMPILE_CACHE_SPCSHIGHMEM_X64_MUsed for internal app operations.
RELATIONAL_AI_HIGHMEM_X64_SHIGHMEM_X64_SRuns engines that execute queries from RAI Python models.
RELATIONAL_AI_HIGHMEM_X64_MHIGHMEM_X64_MRuns engines that execute queries from RAI Python models.

These compute pools are fully managed by the RAI Native App. They are automatically provisioned when you activate the app and suspended when you deactivate the app.

Additionally, the RAI Native App provisions three compute pools with CPU_X64_S, CPU_X64_M, and HIGHMEM_X64_L instance families. These pools are reserved for future use and are not currently utilized by the app.


Engines process queries and other transactions from RAI Python models. They are hosted on the compute pools managed by the RAI Native App. Like Snowflake virtual warehouses, engines can be independently created for workload isolation or scaling purposes.


An engine’s size is determined by its host compute pool’s instance family. Refer to the Snowflake documentation for CPU, memory, and storage details for each instance family. Currently, RAI supports the HIGHMEM_X64_S and HIGHMEM_X64_M instance families.

CDC Engine#

If you have enabled the CDC Service, an engine named CDC_MANAGED_ENGINE is automatically provisioned whenever changes to a data stream are detected. This engine processes changes to Snowflake tables and views shared with the RAI Native App for use in RAI models. It is suspended automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity or when you disable the CDC Service.

By default, the CDC_MANAGED_ENGINE is provisioned in the app’s HIGHMEM_X64_S compute pool. However, you may alter the CDC engine size if needed.

Auto-Created User Engines#

Engines are automatically created for Python users when they create a model. The names and host compute pools for these engines are configured by the engine and engine_size configuration keys in a user’s raiconfig.toml file or a Python Config object:

Configuration KeyDefault Value
engineThe user’s Snowflake username, with any dot characters replaced with an underscore. For example, if a user’s username is, then the default engine name is jane_doe.

Auto-created engines are automatically suspended after 60 minutes of inactivity. See Change Engine Auto-Suspend Time for details on altering the auto-suspend time for an engine.

User-Managed Engines#

If you need fine-grained control over resource allocation, you can create and manage engines manually using SQL, Python, or the RAI CLI. RAI models can then be configured to use specific engines for query evaluation by setting the engine configuration key to the name of the desired engine. See Engine Management for more details.

Engine Suspension#

By default, new engines automatically suspend after one hour of inactivity. You may also manually suspend an engine to save costs when it is not in use. While suspended, an engine does not consume compute resources. Transactions sent to a suspended engine will fail until the engine is resumed.

To change the inactivity window for an engine:

  1. Set the auto_suspend_mins option when creating a new engine.

  2. Use the api.alter_engine_auto_suspend_mins() procedure to update the auto-suspend time for an existing engine. See Change Engine Auto-Suspend Time for details.

  3. Set the auto_suspend_mins configuration key in a user’s raiconfig.toml file or a Config object. If unset, the default value of 60 minutes applies. Changes to this key take effect the next time the user creates a model.

Suspended engines automatically resume via the RAI Python API when users execute a query. You can also manually resume a suspended engine.


Auto-suspension saves costs by avoiding unnecessary resource use. However, it may cause latency when queries require resuming the engine. To avoid latency, set auto_suspend_mins to 0 to disable auto-suspension.

Concurrent Transactions#

Each engine supports up to 8 concurrent transactions and has a queue capacity of 128 transactions with first-in/first-out priority. However, engines may process resource-intensive transactions, like large-scale graph algorithms, sequentially.

By default, each user has a dedicated engine created for them automatically the first time they create a model. This ensures transactions are isolated per user by default, though a user can run multiple concurrent transactions on their engine.

Concurrent transactions on the same engine may impact each other’s performance. To avoid coordination issues, especially when resource-intensive transactions are involved, consider creating a dedicated engine for each workload.

You can determine if an engine is overloaded by monitoring it for a large number of transactions in the QUEUED or CREATED state. See Monitor Engine Transactions for details.

Engine Management#

You can manage engines using SQL, Python, or the RAI CLI.

Create an Engine#

Requires the eng_admin application role.

To create an engine, pass strings with the desired engine name and size to the api.create_engine() procedure:

#CALL relationalai.api.create_engine(
    'HIGHMEM_X64_S',  -- Change to HIGHMEM_X64_M for a larger engine.
    {'auto_suspend_mins': 60}, -- Auto-suspend after 60 minutes of inactivity.
  | Success. |
  +----------+ */

Engine names must be between 3 and 50 characters long and can contain only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _ characters. Note that it may take several minutes for the engine to be provisioned and ready for use.


An engine’s size is the same as its host compute pool’s instance family. See Compute Pools for details on the available instance families.

Delete an Engine#

Requires the eng_admin application role.

To delete an engine, pass the engine name to the api.delete_engine() procedure:

#-- Delete the engine named 'my_engine'.
CALL relationalai.api.delete_engine('my_engine');
  | NAME      | MESSAGE              |
  | my_engine | deleted successfully |
  +-----------+----------------------+ */

When an engine is deleted, all current and queued transactions are cancelled. Any new transactions submitted to the engine will fail.

List Engines#

Requires the eng_user application role.

To list all engines, query the api.engines view:

#SELECT * FROM relationalai.api.engines;
  | NAME                   | ID           | SIZE | STATUS | CREATED_BY           | CREATED_ON                     | UPDATED_ON                    | COMPUTE_POOL                | VERSION                 |
  | CDC_MANAGED_ENGINE     | b7c1d8f9a2b3 | S    | READY  | SYSTEM               | 2024-10-27 15:22:15.500 -0700  | 2024-10-27 15:22:16.731 -0700 | RELATIONAL_AI_HIGHMEM_X64_S | 2024.10.27-e829e39d     |
  | john_doe               | e4f5a6d7c8e9 | M    | READY  | | 2024-10-27 17:29:53.110 -0700  | 2024-10-27 17:29:54.319 -0700 | RELATIONAL_AI_CPU_X64_M     | 2024.10.27-e829e39d     |
  +------------------------+--------------+------+--------+----------------------+--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------+-------------------------+ */

Refer to the reference docs for details about each column in the api.engines view.

Get Engine Details#

Requires the eng_user application role.

To get details about a specific engine, pass the engine name to the api.get_engine() procedure:

#-- Get details about the CDC engine. Note that if CDC is disabled, this engine may not exist.
CALL relationalai.api.get_engine('CDC_MANAGED_ENGINE');
/*+---------------------+--------------+-------------------------+------+--------+------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------ +-----------------------------+
  | NAME                | ID           | VERSION                 | SIZE | STATUS | CREATED_BY | CREATED_ON                    | UPDATED_ON                    | COMPUTE_POOL                |
  | CDC_MANAGED_ENGINE  | a9d7f3b2c8e4 | 2024.10.27-e829e39d     | S    | READY  | SYSTEM     | 2024-10-27 15:22:15.500 -0700 | 2024-10-27 15:22:16.731 -0700 | RELATIONAL_AI_HIGHMEM_X64_S |
  +---------------------+--------------+-------------------------+------+--------+------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------+ */

View Idle Engines#

Requires the eng_user application role.

Engines that have been automatically scheduled for suspension due to inactivity are considered idle. You can view idle engines by filtering the api.engines view on the for rows where the STATUS column is READY and the SUSPENDS_AT column is not null:

#SELECT * FROM relationalai.api.engines

Suspend an Engine#

Requires the eng_admin application role.

To suspend an engine, pass the engine name to the api.suspend_engine() procedure:

#-- Suspend the engine named 'my_engine'.
CALL relationalai.api.suspend_engine('my_engine');
  | NAME        | MESSAGE                |
  | my_engine   | suspended successfully |
  +-------------+------------------------+ */

Resume a Suspended Engine#

Requires the eng_admin application role.

To resume a suspended engine, pass the engine name to the api.resume_engine() procedure:

#-- Resume the engine 'my_engine' if it is suspended.
CALL relationalai.api.resume_engine('my_engine');
  | NAME      | MESSAGE              |
  | my_engine | resumed successfully |
  +-----------+----------------------+ */

Change Engine Auto-Suspend Time#

Requires the eng_admin application role.

To change the auto-suspend time for an engine, pass the engine name and the desired auto-suspend time in minutes to the api.alter_engine_auto_suspend_mins() procedure:

#-- Set the auto-suspend time for the engine 'my_engine' to 30 minutes.
CALL relationalai.api.alter_engine_auto_suspend_mins('my_engine', 30);
  | Success |
  +---------+ */

Setting the auto-suspend time to 0 will prevent the engine from suspending due to inactivity.

Resize an Engine#

Requires the eng_admin application role.

Engines cannot be resized on-the-fly. To resize an engine, first delete the engine and then create a new engine with the same name and a different size:

#-- Delete the engine named 'my_engine'.
CALL relationalai.api.delete_engine('my_engine');
  | NAME      | MESSAGE              |
  | my_engine | deleted successfully |
  +-----------+----------------------+ */

-- Create a HIGHMEM_X64_M engine with the same name.
CALL relationalai.api.create_engine('my_engine', 'HIGHMEM_X64_M');
  | Success. |
  +----------+ */

Monitor Engine Transactions#

Requires the eng_user application role.

You can view an engine’s transactions by querying the api.transactions view a filtering by the ENGINE_NAME column:

#-- List transactions for the engine named 'my_engine'.
SELECT * FROM relationalai.api.transactions WHERE ENGINE_NAME = 'my_engine';
  | ID                                   | DATABASE_NAME | STATE     | READ_ONLY | CREATED_BY            | DURATION | CREATED_ON                    | FINISHED_AT                   | ENGINE_NAME |
  | 02c8fa31-1234-5678-90ab-abcdef123456 | MyModel       | ABORTED   | TRUE      |  | 7643     | 2024-10-28 08:00:12.123 -0700 | 2024-10-28 08:00:19.766 -0700 | my_engine   |
  | 03d9ab41-2345-6789-01bc-bcdef2345678 | MyModel       | COMPLETED | TRUE      |  | 500      | 2024-10-28 08:02:15.456 -0700 | 2024-10-28 08:02:15.956 -0700 | my_engine   |
  | 04e8bc52-3456-7890-12cd-cdef34567890 | MyModel       | RUNNING   | FALSE     |  | 3200     | 2024-10-28 08:05:00.789 -0700 | 2024-10-28 08:05:03.989 -0700 | my_engine   |
  +--------------------------------------+---------------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------+ */

Note that multiple transactions for the same engine may be RUNNING simultaneously. See Concurrent Transactions for information on how concurrent transactions are handled.

Take note of the following states. While occasional occurrences are normal, a high volume may indicate potential issues:

CREATEDThe transaction has been accepted but is not yet in the engine queue. If it remains in this state, the engine’s resources are at capacity. Consider increasing the engine size or cancelling the transaction and running it on a different engine.
QUEUEDThe transaction is in the engine’s queue. If it remains in this state, the engine’s concurrency limit has been reached. Wait for the transaction to leave the queue or cancel it and rerun on a different engine.
ABORTEDThe transaction was cancelled or failed due to an error. Check the ABORT_REASON column for more details.

Get Transaction Details#

Requires the eng_user application role.

To get details about a specific transaction, pass the transaction ID to the api.get_transaction() procedure:

#-- Get details for the transaction with ID '02c8fa31-1234-5678-90ab-abcdef123456'.
CALL relationalai.api.get_transaction('02c8fa31-1234-5678-90ab-abcdef123456');

  | ID                                   | DATABASE_NAME | STATE     | ABORT_REASON | READ_ONLY | CREATED_BY            | DURATION | CREATED_ON                    | FINISHED_AT                   | ENGINE_NAME |
  | 02c8fa31-1234-5678-90ab-abcdef123456 | MyModel       | COMPLETED | NULL         | TRUE      |  | 7643     | 2024-10-28 08:00:12.123 -0700 | 2024-10-28 08:00:19.766 -0700 | my_engine   |
  +--------------------------------------+---------------+-----------+--------------+-----------+-----------------------+----------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------+ */

Cancel a Transaction#

Requires the eng_user application role.

To cancel a transaction, pass the transaction ID to the api.cancel_transaction() procedure:

#-- Cancel the transaction with ID '02c8fa31-1234-5678-90ab-abcdef123456'.
CALL relationalai.api.cancel_transaction('02c8fa31-1234-5678-90ab-abcdef123456');
  | Cancelling transaction |
  +------------------------+ */

It may take a few moments for the transaction to be cancelled. You may monitor the transaction and confirm that it has been cancelled once the STATE is reported as CANCELED.