
#class Provider(
    profile: str|None = None,
    config: Config|None = None,
    connection: Session|None = None

The Provider class is used to manage the RAI Native App from Python. It provides methods corresponding to SQL procedures and RAI CLI commands.


profilestrOptional name of the raiconfig.toml profile to use when creating the model. If None, the active raiconfig.toml profile is used.
configConfigOptional configuration object to use when creating the model. If None, configuration details provided by the profile and connection parameters are used.
connectionSessionOptional Snowpark Session object to use when creating the model. If None, connection details provided by the profile or config parameters are used.


.activate()Activate the RAI Native App.None
.create_streams()Create streams in a model.None
.deactivate()Deactivate the RAI Native App.None
.delete_stream()Delete a stream in a model.None
.list_streams()List all streams in a model.list[dict]
.sql()Execute a SQL query.Snowpark DataFrame


By default, Provider uses the active profile in your raiconfig.toml file:

#import relationalai as rai

# Create a Provider object using the active raiconfig.toml profile.
app = rai.Provider()

# Create a Provider object using a specific raiconfig.toml profile.
app = rai.Provider(profile="<profile_name>")

If you are not using a raiconfig.toml file — such as in a Snowflake or other cloud notebook environment — you can provide configuration details directly to the Provider object by passing a Config object or a Snowpark Session object to the config or connection parameter, respectively:

## Create a Provider object using a Config object instead of a raiconfig.toml file.
config = rai.Config({
    "platform": "snowflake",
    "authenticator": "snowflake",
    "account": "<SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT>",
    "user": "<SNOWFLAKE_USER>",
    "password": "<SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD>",
    "role": "<SNOWFLAKE_ROLE>",
    "warehouse": "<SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE>",
app = rai.Provider(config=config)

# Create a Provider object using a Snowpark Session object.
from snowflake.snowpark import Session

connection_params = {
    "account": "<SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT>",
    "user": "<SNOWFLAKE_USER>",
    "password": "<SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD>",
    "role": "<SNOWFLAKE_ROLE>",
    "warehouse": "<SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE>",
session = Session.builder.configs(connection_params).create()
app = rai.Provider(connection=session)

Using a Session object is useful when you need to authenticate with Snowflake using a method other than a username and password, such as SSH. See the Snowpark docs for more information on creating Session objects.

See Also#