Compute.common_neighbor() Preview #
#Compute.common_neighbor(node1: Producer, node2: Producer) -> Expression
Find the common neighbors between two nodes in a graph. In an undirected graph, a node w is a common neighbor of nodes u and v if there are edges connecting w to both u and v. The algorithm accepts directed graphs as input but processes them as undirected by ignoring edge directionality. Namely, in a directed graph, a node w is a common neighbor of nodes u and v if there are edges between w and both u and v, regardless of the direction of those edges.
Must be called in a rule or query context.
Supported Graph Types#
Graph Type | Supported | Notes |
Undirected | Yes | |
Directed | Yes | Directed edges are treated as undirected by the algorithm. |
Weighted | Yes | Weights are ignored. |
Unweighted | Yes |
Returns an Expression object that produces
nodes that are common neighbors of node1
and node2
Use .common_neighbor()
to find the common neighbors between two nodes in a graph.
You access the .common_neighbor()
method from a Graph
#import relationalai as rai
from relationalai.std.graphs import Graph
# Create a model named "socialNetwork" with a Person type.
model = rai.Model("socialNetwork")
Person = model.Type("Person")
# Add some people to the model and connect them with a multi-valued `friend` property.
with model.rule():
alice = Person.add(name="Alice")
bob = Person.add(name="Bob")
carol = Person.add(name="Carol")
alice.friends.extend([bob, carol])
# Create an undirected graph with Person nodes and edges between friends.
# This graph has two edges: one between Alice and Bob, and one between Alice and Carol.
graph = Graph(model, undirected=True)
# Find the common neighbors of Bob and Carol.
with model.query() as select:
neighbor = graph.compute.common_neighbor(Person(name="Bob"), Person(name="Carol"))
response = select(
# Output:
# name
# 0 Alice
If node1
or node2
is not a node in the graph, no exception is raised.
Instead, that pair of objects is filtered from the rule or query:
## Add a Company type to the model.
Company = model.Type("Company")
# Add some companies to the model.
with model.rule():
apple = Company.add(name="Apple")
google = Company.add(name="Google")
# Create the union of the Person and Company types.
PersonOrCompany = Person | Company
with model.query() as select:
# Get all pairs of person and company objects.
obj1, obj2 = PersonOrCompany(), PersonOrCompany()
obj1 < obj2 # Ensure pairs are unique.
neighbor = graph.compute.common_neighbor(obj1, obj2)
response = select(,,
# Only rows for people are returned, since companies are not nodes in the graph.
# Output:
# name name2 name3
# 0 Carol Bob Alice
Note that pairs of nodes with no common neighbors are filtered by .common_neighbor()
For example, there is no row for Alice and Bob in the above output because they have no common neighbors.
Alice is neighbors with Bob and Carol, but Bob’s only neighbor is Alice.