
    name STRING
    force_delete BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE

A procedure that deletes the specified RelationalAI (RAI) engine. When an engine is deleted, all of its transaction are cancelled. The CDC engine cannot be deleted unless force_delete is set to TRUE. Requires the eng_admin application role.


nameSTRINGThe name of the engine to delete (case-sensitive).
force_deleteBOOLEANSet to TRUE to delete the CDC engine. (Default: FALSE)


A table with the following columns:

NAMESTRINGThe name of the deleted engine.
MESSAGESTRINGA message indicating the success or failure of the deletion.


Use the api.delete_engine() procedure to delete an engine:

#-- Delete the engine named 'my_engine'.
CALL relationalai.api.delete_engine('my_engine');
  | NAME      | MESSAGE              |
  | my_engine | deleted successfully |
  +-----------+----------------------+ */

Deleting an engine cancels all of its transactions. Use the api.transactions view to ensure that an engine is not processing any transactions before deleting it.

The CDC engine may only be deleted if the force_delete parameter is set to TRUE:

#-- Force delete the CDC engine.
CALL relationalai.api.delete_engine('CDC_MANAGED_ENGINE', TRUE);
  | NAME                | MESSAGE              |
  | CDC_MANAGED_ENGINE  | deleted successfully |
  +---------------------+----------------------+ */

Note that if CDC is enabled, the CDC engine will be recreated automatically whenever updates to a stream are detected. See Data Management for more information on the CDC engine.

See Also#