
#rai transactions:list [OPTIONS]

List transactions.


--idTextFilter transactions by ID.
--stateTextFilter transactions by state.
--limitIntegerLimit the number of transactions to list.
--all-usersFlagList transactions for all users.


Use the transactions:list command without any options to list all of your transactions:

#$ rai transactions:list


▰▰▰▰ Transactions fetched

  ID                                  Schema    State       Created               Duration
  01b439a7-0002-6944-0051-c0070497…   myModel   COMPLETED   2024-05-09 18:15:31       2.4s
  01b439a7-0002-693d-0051-c0070498…   myModel   COMPLETED   2024-05-09 18:15:06      20.5s


To filter transactions by ID, state, or limit, pass the corresponding option:

#$ rai transactions:list --state aborted --limit 1


▰▰▰▰ Transactions fetched

  ID                                  Schema    State     Created               Duration
  01b439a7-0002-692f-0051-c0070497…   myModel   ABORTED   2024-05-09 18:16:28       1.2s


To list transactions for all users, not just the current user, use the --all-users flag.

See Also#