
#get_engine(name STRING)

A procedure that gets details about the specified RelationalAI (RAI) engine. Requires the eng_user application role.


nameSTRINGThe name of the engine to retrieve details for (case-sensitive).


A table with the following columns:

NAMESTRINGThe name of the engine.
IDSTRINGThe unique identifier of the engine.
VERSIONSTRINGThe version of the engine.
SIZESTRINGThe size of the engine. May be one of:
  • S (corresponds to HIGHMEM_X64_S instance family)
  • M (corresponds to HIGHMEM_X64_M instance family)
See Compute Pools for details.
STATUSSTRINGThe current status of the engine. May be one of:
CREATED_BYSTRINGThe user who created the engine.
CREATED_ONTIMESTAMPThe timestamp when the engine was created.
UPDATED_ONTIMESTAMPThe timestamp when the engine was last updated.
COMPUTE_POOLSTRINGThe name of the engine’s host compute pool.
AUTO_SUSPEND_MINSINTThe number of minutes of inactivity before the engine is automatically suspended. If 0, the engine will never auto-suspend.
SUSPENDS_ATTIMESTAMPThe timestamp when the engine will auto-suspend due to inactivity. NULL if the engine is not scheduled for suspension.
AWAIT_STORAGE_VACUUMBOOLEANWhether the engine waits for garbage collection tasks to finish before suspending.


Use the api.get_engine() procedure to retrieve details about an engine:

#-- Get details about the CDC engine. Note that if CDC is disabled, this engine may not exist.
CALL relationalai.api.get_engine('CDC_MANAGED_ENGINE');
/*+---------------------+--------------+-------------------------+------+--------+------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------ +-----------------------------+-------------------+-------------------------+----------------------+
  | NAME                | ID           | VERSION                 | SIZE | STATUS | CREATED_BY | CREATED_ON                    | UPDATED_ON                    | COMPUTE_POOL                | AUTO_SUSPEND_MINS | SUSPENDS_AT             | AWAIT_STORAGE_VACUUM |
  | CDC_MANAGED_ENGINE  | a9d7f3b2c8e4 | 2024.10.27-e829e39d     | S    | READY  | SYSTEM     | 2024-10-27 15:22:15.500 -0700 | 2024-10-27 15:22:16.731 -0700 | RELATIONAL_AI_HIGHMEM_X64_S | 0                 | NULL                    | false                |
  +---------------------+--------------+-------------------------+------+--------+------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------+-------------------+-------------------------+----------------------+ */

See Compute Resources for more information on managing engines.

See Also#