Tutorial: Build an App#

In part one, you learned how to create a model and query it using a Python notebook. Now, you’ll see how to build a simple Streamlit app that consumes the model you created.

You’ll learn how to:

Table of Contents#

Set Up The Project Environment#

Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it:

#mkdir my_project
cd my_project

Then, create a virtual environment and activate it:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

RelationalAI requires Python 3.9, 3.10, or 3.11. See Getting Started: Local Installation for details on installing a compatible version of Python.

Create a requirements.txt file and add the following dependencies to it:


Save the file and run the following command to install the dependencies with pip:

#python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternative package mangers, like Poetry, are also supported.

Create a raiconfig.toml File#

Use the RAI CLI included with the relationalai Python package to create a raiconfig.toml file by running the following command:

#rai init

Follow the interactive prompts to enter your Snowflake account details. The CLI will create a raiconfig.toml file in your project directory. Refer to the Configuration guide for more information on configuration options.


Make sure to add the raiconfig.toml file to your .gitignore file to avoid committing sensitive information to your git repository.

When you’re done, your project should have the following structure:

Files modified in this step are highlighted.

Create a Model Module#

For simple models or small projects, you can create a single module with all of the model’s types and rules and then import it into notebooks or other scripts.

Populate your project folder with the following files:

#touch model.py
touch export.py

Your project should now have the following structure:

Files modified in this step are highlighted.

Open the model.py file and add all of the types and rules from the notebook in part one:

## my_project/model.py

import relationalai as rai
from relationalai.std import aggregates, graphs, strings

model = rai.Model("RetailStore")

# =====
# =====

Sale = model.Type("Sale", source="RAI_TUTORIAL.TPCDS.STORE_SALES")
Item = model.Type("Item", source="RAI_TUTORIAL.TPCDS.ITEM")
ItemCategory = model.Type("ItemCategory")
Customer = model.Type("Customer")
CustomerSegment = model.Type("CustomerSegment")
RankedCategory = model.Type("RankedCategory")

# =====
# =====

# Set the id, category_name, and class_name properties of Item entities.
with model.rule():
    item = Item()
    item_id = item.i_item_sk
    category_name = item.i_category
    class_name = item.i_class
    item.set(id=item_id, category_name=category_name, class_name=class_name)

# Set the item_id and customer_id properties of Sale entities.
with model.rule():
    sale = Sale()
    sale.set(item_id=sale.ss_customer_sk, customer_id=sale.ss_customer_sk)

# Define an item property that links Sale entities to Item entities.
Sale.define(item=(Item, "item_id", "id"))

# Create ItemCategory entities from Item entities.
with model.rule():
    item = Item()
    full_name = strings.concat(item.category_name, ": ", item.class_name)
    category = ItemCategory.add(name=full_name)

# Define Customer objects from Sale entities using the customer_id property.
with model.rule():
    sale = Sale()
    customer = Customer.add(id=sale.customer_id)

# Define a customer graph.
customer_graph = graphs.Graph(model, undirected=True)

# Write a rule that adds an edge between two customers if they've purchased the same
# item. Note that nodes are automatically added to the graph when edges are added.
with model.rule():
    customer1, customer2 = Customer(), Customer()
    customer1 != customer2
    customer1.items_purchased == customer2.items_purchased
    customer_graph.Edge.add(customer1, customer2)

# Create CustomerSegment entities from communities computed by the Louvain algorithm.
with model.rule():
    customer = Customer()
    segment_id = customer_graph.compute.louvain(customer)
    segment = CustomerSegment.add(id=segment_id)

# Set the size property for CustomerSegment entities.
with model.rule():
    segment = CustomerSegment()
    customer = segment.customers
    segment_size = aggregates.count(customer, per=[segment])

# Create RankedCategory entities.
with model.rule():
    segment = CustomerSegment()
    customer = segment.customers
    item = customer.items_purchased
    category = item.category
    category_rank = aggregates.count(customer, per=[category, segment]) / segment.size
    ranked_category = RankedCategory.add(segment=segment, category=category)

You can now import the model object and query it in other files.

Open the export.py file, import the model object and Customer type, and then copy and paste the export query and logic from the notebook:

## my_project/export.py

from relationalai.std import alias

from .model import model, Customer, CustomerSegment, RankedCategory

session = model.resources.get_sf_session()

# ===========================
# ===========================

# Query the Customer entities.
with model.query(format="snowpark") as select:
    customer = Customer()
    segment = customer.segment
    response = select(customer.id, segment.id)

# Join the results with the customer table on the CUSTOMER_ID and C_CUSTOMER_SK columns.
customers_with_segments = (
    .join(customers, response.results["CUSTOMER_ID"] == customers["C_CUSTOMER_SK"])
    .select(customers["*"], response.results["SEGMENT_ID"])

# Save the results to a new table in the RAI_TUTORIAL.TPCDS schema.
    .save_as_table("RAI_TUTORIAL.TPCDS.CUSTOMER", mode="overwrite")

# ===================================
# ===================================

# Query the CustomerSegment entities.
with model.query(format="snowpark") as select:
    segment = CustomerSegment()
    response = select(segment.id, segment.size)

# Save the results to a Snowflake table.
    .save_as_table("RAI_TUTORIAL.TPCDS.CUSTOMER_SEGMENT", mode="overwrite")

# ==================================
# ==================================

# Query the RankedCategory entities.
with model.query(format="snowpark") as select:
    ranked_category = RankedCategory()
    segment = ranked_category.segment
    category = ranked_category.category
    pct_customers = alias(ranked_category.rank, "pct_customers")
    response = select(segment.id, category.name, pct_customers)

# Save the results to a Snowflake table.
    .save_as_table("RAI_TUTORIAL.TPCDS.RANKED_CATEGORY", mode="overwrite")

You can run the export script with the following command:

#python export.py

Build a Streamlit App#

Next you’ll create a simple Streamlit app that displays data for each segment of customers. First, add the Streamlit package to your requirements.txt file. It should now look like this:


Save the file and run the following command to install the Streamlit package:

#python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, create a new file called app.py in your project’s root directory:

#touch app.py

Your project should now have the following structure:

Files modified in this step are highlighted.

Now open app.py and add the following code to create a Streamlit app that displays summary statistics and details for each customer segment:

## my_project/app.py

import relationalai as rai
from snowflake.snowpark.functions import col
import streamlit as st

provider = rai.Provider()
session = provider.resources.get_sf_session()

# Add a title to the app.
st.title("Customer Segments")

# Load the segment data exported from the model.
customers = session.table("RAI_TUTORIAL.TPCDS.CUSTOMER")
customer_segments = session.table("RAI_TUTORIAL.TPCDS.CUSTOMER_SEGMENT")
ranked_categories = session.table("RAI_TUTORIAL.TPCDS.RANKED_CATEGORY")

# ===============
# ===============

# Header for the summary section
st.header("Summary", divider=True)

# Get metrics to display
num_customers = customers.count()
num_segments = customer_segments.count()
avg_segment_size = num_customers / num_segments

# Display metrics
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
col1.metric("Total customers", f"{num_customers:,}")
col2.metric("Total segments", f"{num_segments:,}")
col3.metric("Avg segment size", f"{avg_segment_size:,.2f}")

# Show summary statistics and histogram for the segment sizes.
st.write("### Size Distribution")
customer_segments_df = customer_segments.to_pandas()
col1, col2 = st.columns([0.3, 0.7])
    .plot(kind="hist", y="SIZE", legend=False)

# =======================
# =======================

# Header for the segment details section
st.header("Segment Details", divider=True)

col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([0.4, 0.3, 0.3])
with col1:
    # Show a dropdown menu to select a segment.
    segment_ids = customer_segments.sort("ID").select("ID")
    selected_segment_id = st.selectbox("Select a segment", segment_ids)

    # Get the selected segment's details.
    selected_segment = customer_segments.filter(col("ID") == selected_segment_id).first()
    segment_customers = customers.filter(col("SEGMENT_ID") == selected_segment_id)
    segment_size = selected_segment["SIZE"]
    pct_total_customers = segment_size / num_customers

    # Get the top 5 categories for the segment
    top_5_categories = (
        .filter(col("ID") == selected_segment_id)
        .select("NAME", "PCT_CUSTOMERS")
col2.metric("Selected segment size", f"{segment_size:,}")
col3.metric("% total customers", f"{pct_total_customers:.2%}")

# Show the top 5 categories for the selected segment.
st.write("### Top Categories")
st.write("*By percentage of segment customers who purchased an item in the category.*")
cols = st.columns(5)
for i, (name, pct_customers) in enumerate(top_5_categories.collect()):
    with cols[i]:
        st.metric(name, f"{pct_customers:.0%}")

# Show the customers in the selected segment.
st.write("### Customers")

Finally, use the streamlit run command to start the Streamlit app:

#streamlit run app.py

The app will open in your default web browser:


Convert the Model to a Package#

As your model grows, it may become difficult to manage all of the types and rules in a single file. In this case, you can create a model package with submodules for different parts of the model.

Create a new directory called my_model/ with an __init__.py file:

#mkdir my_model
touch my_model/__init__.py

You can name your model package whatever you like. Avoid using model as the package name, however, to prevent conflicts with the model object in the model.py file.

Thinking about the retail store model, types like Sale, Item, and Customer could be grouped together as all related to sales, while types like CustomerSegment and RankedCategory could be grouped together as all related to marketing.

Move the model.py file to the my_model/ directory and create types.py, sales.py, and marketing.py files:

#mv model.py my_model/
touch my_model/types.py
touch my_model/sales.py
touch my_model/marketing.py

Your project should now have the following structure:

Files modified in this step are highlighted.

Open my_model/types.py and add the type declarations from the model.py file:

## my_project/my_model/types.py

from .model import model

Sale = model.Type("Sale", source="RAI_TUTORIAL.TPCDS.STORE_SALES")
Item = model.Type("Item", source="RAI_TUTORIAL.TPCDS.ITEM")
ItemCategory = model.Type("ItemCategory")
Customer = model.Type("Customer")
CustomerSegment = model.Type("CustomerSegment")
RankedCategory = model.Type("RankedCategory")

The types.py file is a good place to define all of the types in your model in order to avoid circular imports in the rules files.

Next, open my_model/sales.py and add the rules for the Sale, Item, ItemCategory, and Customer types from model.py:

## my_project/my_model/sales.py

from relationalai.std import strings

from .model import model
from .types import Sale, Item, ItemCategory, Customer

# Set the id, category_name, and class_name properties of Item entities.
with model.rule():
    item = Item()
    item_id = item.i_item_sk
    category_name = item.i_category
    class_name = item.i_class
    item.set(id=item_id, category_name=category_name, class_name=class_name)

# Set the item_id and customer_id properties of Sale entities.
with model.rule():
    sale = Sale()
    sale.set(item_id=sale.ss_item_sk, customer_id=sale.ss_customer_sk)

# Define an item property that links Sale entities to Item entities.
Sale.define(item=(Item, "item_id", "id"))

# Create ItemCategory entities from Item entities.
with model.rule():
    item = Item()
    full_name = strings.concat(item.category_name, ": ", item.class_name)
    category = ItemCategory.add(name=full_name)

# Define Customer objects from Sale entities using the customer_id property.
with model.rule():
    sale = Sale()
    customer = Customer.add(id=sale.customer_id)

Then, move the rules for the CustomerSegment and RankedCategory types from model.py to marketing.py:

## my_project/my_model/marketing.py

from relationalai.std import aggregates, graphs

from .model import model
from .types import Customer, CustomerSegment, RankedCategory
import .sales  # Include rules from the sales module

# Define a customer graph.
customer_graph = graphs.Graph(model, undirected=True)

# Write a rule that adds an edge between two customers if they've purchased the same
# item. Note that nodes are automatically added to the graph when edges are added.
with model.rule():
    customer1, customer2 = Customer(), Customer()
    customer1 != customer2
    customer1.purchases.item == customer2.purchases.item
    customer_graph.Edge.add(customer1, customer2)

# Create CustomerSegment entities from communities computed by the Louvain algorithm.
with model.rule():
    customer = Customer()
    segment_id = customer_graph.compute.louvain(customer)
    segment = CustomerSegment.add(id=segment_id)

# Set the size property for CustomerSegment entities.
with model.rule():
    segment = CustomerSegment()
    customer = segment.customers
    segment_size = aggregates.count(customer, per=[segment])

# Create RankedCategory entities.
with model.rule():
    segment = CustomerSegment()
    customer = segment.customers
    item = customer.purchases.item
    category = item.category
    category_rank = aggregates.count(customer, per=[category, segment]) / segment.size
    ranked_category = RankedCategory.add(segment=segment, category=category)

Note that the marketing module imports the sales module. This means that whenever the marketing module is imported, the rules from the sales module will also be loaded.

Now, remove everything except the Model object definition from retail_store/model.py. Your file should look like this:

## my_project/my_model/model.py

import relationalai as rai

model = rai.Model("RetailStore")

Then, add the following to the my_model/__init__.py file to make the model object and all types importable directly from the my_model package:

## my_project/my_model/__init__.py

from .model import model
from .types import *

Notebooks, scripts, and apps in the project’s root directory can use the package as follows:

## Import the model object and a type
from my_model import model, Customer

# Select the rules modules to load
import my_model.sales

Open the my_project/export.py file and update the imports to use the new package structure:

## my_project/export.py

from relationalai.std import alias

# Import the model object and types.
from my_model import model, Customer, CustomerSegment, RankedCategory

# Load the marketing rules. Since the marketing module includes the sales rules,
# they will be loaded as well.
import my_model.marketing

# The rest of the script is the same ...

By separating the model into submodules, you create “layers” that can be loaded selectively. For instance, the marketing module sets a segment property on Customer entities. If Customer is imported from the sales module, and the marketing module is not loaded, the segment property will not be available.

This separation allows you to manage the complexity of your model and ensure that only the necessary rules are compiled when querying the model in different contexts.

Summary and Next Steps#

In this tutorial, you took a RAI model built in a Python notebook and organized it into a modular project structure. You also saw how to create a Streamlit app that consumes static tables exported from the model.

Your RAI journey has just begun! Check out the following resources to learn more about developing RAI models: