

A view that shows the number of credits consumed by each RealationalAI (RAI) engine broken down by hour. Requires the billing_admin application role.


ENGINE_NAMESTRINGThe name of the engine.
CREDITSNUMBERThe number of credits consumed by the engine in the hour.
HOURTIMESTAMPThe hour in which the credits were consumed in UTC.


Use the consumption.engine_credit_hours view to see the number of credits consumed by each RAI engine per hour:

#SELECT * FROM relationalai.consumption.engine_credit_hours ORDER BY HOUR DESC;
  | ENGINE_NAME | CREDITS | HOUR                |
  | Engine1     | 0.5     | 2024-10-27 15:00:00 |
  | Engine2     | 0.3     | 2024-10-27 15:00:00 |
  | Engine1     | 0.7     | 2024-10-27 14:00:00 |
  | Engine2     | 0.2     | 2024-10-27 14:00:00 |
  +---------------------------------------------+ */

See Cost Management for more information on monitoring and managing your RAI usage costs.