Power every decision with intelligence
To make fast, repeatable decisions across the company, you have to put your organization’s knowledge to work. RelationalAI’s Knowledge Graph Coprocessor operationalizes the rules, relationships, and decision systems that drive your business, all while staying entirely within the Snowflake data cloud.

The Knowledge Graph…
Think of the knowledge graph as a “collective common sense.” It doesn’t just capture that you have a sales table, it captures that your team keeps an eye on transactions over a certain amount that come from one of your more “eccentric” customers.

… Coprocessor
Instead of creating another silo, we integrate powerful decision-making tools like graph analytics, rules-based reasoning, and mathematical optimization directly into your data cloud. Our Native Application, built on Snowpark Container Services, keeps everything securely within the Snowflake perimeter.
Decisions, simplified
The knowledge graph is a map for the decisions a business makes. By traversing and annotating that map, you carve a path around all the tangled systems that slow decisions down and start pushing the company forward. Let’s look at a few examples.
Beyond Count(*)
For business queries over massive amounts of data, there’s nothing better than Snowflake, but SQL struggles to go beyond aggregations over tables.
Decisions require you to utilize every form of automated intelligence at your disposal, from community detection and centrality analysis for finding your most influential users to mixed integer solvers that determine the optimal allocation of goods in your warehouses.
RelationalAI extends the best that Snowflake has to offer with an array of powerful decision making tools to help deliver on the promise of “all data, all workloads.”