#Compute.distance(node1: Producer, node2: Producer) -> Expression
This algorithm computes the shortest path length between two nodes in a graph. Must be called in a rule or query context.
Be careful using distance
on the entire graph, since for large graphs, this may be infeasible.
Supported Graph Types#
Graph Type | Supported | Notes |
Undirected | Yes | |
Directed | Yes | |
Weighted | Yes | |
Unweighted | Yes |
Returns an Expression object that produces
the shortest path length between node1
and node2
as an integer value.
Example (Unweighted Graphs)#
Use .distance()
to compute the shortest path length between two nodes in a graph.
You access the .distance()
method from a Graph
#import relationalai as rai
from relationalai.std import alias
from relationalai.std.graphs import Graph
# Create a model named "socialNetwork" with a Person type.
model = rai.Model("socialNetwork")
Person = model.Type("Person")
# Add some people to the model and connect them with a multi-valued `follows` property.
with model.rule():
alice = Person.add(name="Alice")
bob = Person.add(name="Bob")
carol = Person.add(name="Carol")
daniel = Person.add(name="Daniel")
# Create a directed graph with Person nodes and edges between followers.
# Note that graphs are directed by default.
# This graph has three edges: one from Alice to Bob, Bob to Carol, and Carol to Daniel.
graph = Graph(model)
# Find the distance between Alice and Daniel.
with model.query() as select:
dist = graph.compute.distance(Person(name="Alice"), Person(name="Daniel"))
response = select(alias(dist, "distance"))
# Output:
# distance
# 0 3
# Find all nodes at distance at most two from Alice.
with model.query() as select:
node = Person()
dist = graph.compute.distance(Person(name="Alice"), node)
dist <= 2
response = select(, alias(dist, "distance"))
# Output:
# name distance
# 0 Alice 0
# 1 Bob 1
# 2 Carol 2
Note that the distance between a node and itself is 0
Example (Weighted Graphs)#
Use .distance()
to compute the shortest path length between two nodes in a weighted graph.
You access the .distance()
method from a Graph
#import relationalai as rai
from relationalai.std import alias
from relationalai.std.graphs import Graph
# Create a model named "socialNetwork" with Person and Friendship types.
model = rai.Model("socialNetwork")
Person = model.Type("Person")
Friendship = model.Type("Friendship")
# Add some people to the model and connect them with the Friendship type.
with model.rule():
alice = Person.add(name="Alice")
bob = Person.add(name="Bob")
carol = Person.add(name="Carol")
daniel = Person.add(name="Daniel")
Friendship.add(person1=alice, person2=bob, strength=1.0)
Friendship.add(person1=bob, person2=carol, strength=0.5)
Friendship.add(person1=carol, person2=daniel, strength=0.75)
# Create a directed graph with Person nodes and edges between friends.
# Note that graphs are directed by default.
# This graph has three edges: one from Alice to Bob, Bob to Carol, and Carol to Daniel.
# The edges are weighted by the strength of each friendship.
graph = Graph(model, weighted=True)
with model.rule():
friendship = Friendship()
graph.Edge.add(friendship.person1, friendship.person2, weight=friendship.strength)
# Find the weighted distance between Alice and Daniel.
with model.query() as select:
dist = graph.compute.distance(Person(name="Alice"), Person(name="Daniel"))
response = select(alias(dist, "distance"))
# Output:
# distance
# 0 2.25
# Find all nodes with weighted distance at most two from Alice.
with model.query() as select:
node = Person()
dist = graph.compute.distance(Person(name="Alice"), node)
dist <= 2.0
response = select(, alias(dist, "distance"))
# Output:
# name distance
# 0 Alice 0.0
# 1 Bob 1.0
# 2 Carol 1.5