
#day(date: date | datetime | Producer, tz: str = "UTC") -> Expression

Extracts the day component from a Date or DateTime value. If date is a Python date or datetime object, the tz parameter is ignored. Must be called in a rule or query context.


datedate or datetime or ProducerThe Date or DateTime value from which to extract the day.
tzstrOptional timezone component for DateTime values (default is “UTC”). Ignored if date is a Python date or datetime object.


An Expression that produces the day component of the given Date or DateTime value.


TypeError if the date parameter is not a date, datetime, or Producer object.


Use day() to extract the day component from a Date value:

#import relationalai as rai
from relationalai.std.dates import day, date
from relationalai.std import alias

# Create a model named "people" with a `Person` type.
model = rai.Model("people")
Person = model.Type("Person")

# Add a person with a birth date.
with model.rule():
    Person.add(name="Alice", birth_date=date(1990, 5, 23))

# Extract the day from birth_date.
with model.query() as select:
    person = Person()
    birth_day = day(person.birth_date)
    response = select(, alias(birth_day, "birth_day"))

# Output:
#     name  birth_day
# 0  Alice         23

You can also use day() to extract the day component from a DateTime value:

#import relationalai as rai
from relationalai.std.dates import day, datetime
from relationalai.std import alias

# Create a model named "people" with a `Person` type.
model = rai.Model("people")
Person = model.Type("Person")

# Add a person with a birth datetime.
with model.rule():
        born_at=datetime(1985, 8, 15, 15, 45, 0, tz="UTC")

# Extract the day from `born_at`.
with model.query() as select:
    person = Person()
    birth_day = day(person.born_at)
    response = select(, alias(birth_day, "birth_day"))

# Output:
#   name  birth_day
# 0  Bob         15

See Also#