RelationalAI Service Management#

The RelationalAI (RAI) Service is the core component of the RAI Native App for Snowflake. It provides the ability to manage RAI schemas and run RAI queries written using the relationalai Python package

Managing the RAI Service#

You can create, suspend, resume, and drop the RAI service using the SQL procedures provided by the RAI Native App. All of these procedures require the app_admin application role.

Create the Service#

Use the create_service() procedure to start the RAI service:


Check Service Status#

To check the status of the RAI service, use the service_status() procedure:


Suspend the Service#

Use the suspend_service() procedure to suspend the RAI service without dropping it:


When the service is suspended, all running queries are canceled and the CDC engine is paused. Use suspend_service() to temporarily stop the service without losing any data for debugging purposes or to reduce costs. You can resume the service at any time to restore full functionality using the resume_service() procedure.

Certain background tasks, such as automated application updates, continue to run while the service is suspended and may incur charges. To stop the service, remove all resources, and stop incurring charges, use the drop_service() procedure.

See Cost Management for more information on managing costs.

Resume the Service#

Use the resume_service() procedure to resume the RAI service after it has been suspended:


Drop the Service#

To drop the RAI service, use the drop_service() procedure:


Engines are not deleted when the service is dropped. To drop these resources, use the appropriate Snowflake commands:

#-- Stop small engines and drop their compute pool.
ALTER COMPUTE POOL rai_engine_pool_s STOP ALL;
DROP COMPUTE POOL rai_engine_pool_s;

-- Stop medium endines and drop their compute pool.
ALTER COMPUTE POOL rai_engine_pool_m STOP ALL;
DROP COMPUTE POOL rai_engine_pool_m;

See ALTER COMPUTE POOL and DROP COMPUTE POOL in the Snowflake documentation for more details on these commands.

Viewing Application Telemetry#

When you install the RAI Native App, you are prompted to share continuous telemetry data with RelationalAI. This data is written to your account’s active event table and contains operational information such as internal system logs, engine sizes, and usage data. Customer data and personally identifiable information are not included in continuous telemetry data.

See the Snowflake documentation for details on viewing and working with event tables.