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Declarative Quantum Computing

All businesses regularly confront difficult decisions. Even when these decisions are constrained (perhaps by budgets) and the cost implications of the decisions are complex, optimization algorithms may nevertheless provide decisions that minimize cost and maximize benefit. Unfortunately, optimization can become very difficult as the number of decisions increases and this makes it an excellent use-case for quantum computing. Declarative languages like RelationalAI’s Rel make the integration of quantum optimizers simple.

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Trends in Machine Learning: ICML 2022

The 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) took place in mid-July in hybrid mode, two months after the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2022. In our analysis of the ICLR, we pointed out the spread of language models (LMs) and self-supervision. Things are not that different at ICML. Read our analysis.

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Stop Wasting Good Data: Reclaim Predictive Information With Knowledge Graphs

As we move to data-centric AI, we demand higher quality data. Yet, the first step in creating predictive models odten involves tossing out predictive information. In this post, we'll look at how data scientists and ML engineers can use a relational knowledge graph to make domain expertise and contextual information available to ML models. Learn how to stop wasting the predictive data you already have.

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Machine Learning in Consumer Credit: A Knowledge-Driven Approach to Mitigating Bias

The financial services sector was one of the first industries to widely adopt predictive modeling, starting with Bayesian statistics in the 1960s and evolving after the advent of neural networks to deep learning and beyond. Machine learning applications in this industry are endless, whether in auditing, fraud detection, credit scoring, or others.

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Raw Strings and String Interpolation

Our declarative modeling language Rel has been expanded to include new string functionalities to better handle and manipulate string data.

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Understanding Our World

Rel is not a procedural language. It is a relational declarative language with roots in logic programming. Rel goes far beyond a simple type system by allowing you to define the rules your creations have to obey.  Definitions are not methods that turn input into output, but rather rules that can be evaluated in both directions.