Loopy Lattices image

Loopy Lattices

About a decade ago, Marko Rodriguez wrote a blog post on Loopy Lattices. It became infamous amongst graph database practitioners as it taught them a very important lesson: Never give in to the temptation to ask for all potential paths between two nodes.

(RAI)volutionizing Master Data image

(RAI)volutionizing Master Data

Most master data projects fail because we've relied on monolithic MDM platforms, and therefore centralized, highly federated approaches to creating master data. The MDM concept is strong. The benefits and uses of master data can provide value to those corporations who successfully implement it. However, we need to fundamentally change our approach to implementation.

Trends in Machine Learning: ICLR 2022 image

Trends in Machine Learning: ICLR 2022

This was the 10th ICLR conference, marking the golden decade of deep learning and AI. Despite early predictions that the deep learning hype would be ephemeral, we are happy to see the field still growing while delivering maturity in algorithms and architectures. ICLR 2022 was full of exciting papers. Here at RelationalAI we spent ~100 hours going through the content as we believe it will drive the commercialization of AI in the following years. Here we present what we found to be the most noteworthy ideas.

Modeling an Agent-Based Simulation in a Relational Database image

Modeling an Agent-Based Simulation in a Relational Database

We show how the relational model can be successfully exploited to model complex analytics scenarios while enjoying the same characteristics of clarity and flexibility as when modeling the data themselves.

Handling JSON Data in Rel image

Handling JSON Data in Rel

New JSON functionality json_string and load_json in Rel

KGC Highlights: The Relational Approach to Graphs is Here to Stay image

KGC Highlights: The Relational Approach to Graphs is Here to Stay

We recently participated in the Knowledge Graph Conference (KGC) in New York, which included educational workshops, guides to getting started, and expert thought leadership in knowledge management and graphs.