RelationalAI CLI and Public GitHub Repo

We are excited to announce the RelationalAI Command-Line Interface, which is used to interact with the Relational Knowledge Graph Management System (RKGMS).

The RAI CLI allows you to programmatically interact with the RelationalAI system, providing immediate access to the most common API calls.

To install the RAI CLI, download a binary for your installation from the rai-cli releases. You will find precompiled binaries for MacOS, Linux, and Windows for different architectures.

The rai-cli is open source and is available in our public GitHub repository. Contributions and pull requests are welcome.

For more information about getting started, refer to our RelationalAI CLI guide. There you’ll find documentation describing configuration details and APIs covering:

  • Managing users, databases, and engines
  • Loading data
  • Querying a database
  • Printing responses