RelationalAI Java SDK and Public GitHub Repo

We are excited to introduce the RelationalAI SDK for Java with APIs for our Relational Knowledge Graph System (RKGS).

The rai-sdk-java package is open source and its code can be found in this public GitHub repository. It includes self-contained examples of the main API functionality. We welcome contributions and pull requests.

The RelationalAI SDK for Java is a standalone library that can be easily installed from our public repository as follows:

git clone
cd rai-sdk-java
mvn install

For more information about getting started with the SDK, refer to our RelationalAI SDK for Java guide. There you’ll find documentation describing configuration details and APIs covering:

  • Database queries
  • Modeling in Rel
  • Database and engine management
  • User account management

The rai-sdk-java package requires Java 11.0.10 or later.