RelationalAI Overview
RAI is a cloud-based relational knowledge graph management system, with state of the art probabilistic processing, and declarative reasoning at scale to make developing Data Applications.

Relational Knowledge Graphs
The RAI Knowledge Graph Management System is designed to provide flexibility, scalability, and performance to enable data-centric enterprise Data Apps to be built around Knowledge Graphs.

Data Apps
As more businesses become data-driven, they rely on Data Apps to power marketing platforms, perform data monitoring and alerting, and enable large data sets to be analyzed and visualized. Data Apps allow enterprises to leverage their internal data and transform it into data-driven services to their customers.

Graph Normal Form
RAI technology combines the flexibility and scalability of the relational model to make building and querying enterprise-scale Knowledge Graphs a feasible reality for any organization.

Rel is a declarative relational language designed for building sophisticated data applications that use machine learning and artificial intelligence.

History of the Relational Paradigm
In this video we will provide historical trends that that support our belief in the Relational paradigm and that a relational knowledge graph management systems is history repeating itself . . . again.