New String Functions Added to the Standard Library
Introducing new functions in the Rel stdlib.

Accelerating AI Adoption With Explainability in SaMD
Many recognize the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare and life sciences. Some early adopters are starting to reap the benefits already, especially in fields such as radiology and digital pathology.

RAI Platform Pillars
RelationalAI is the first and only Relational Knowledge Graph System that has the modern table stakes of a cloud-native architecture and has an expressive and complete declarative relational language.

RAI Platform Workload Scenarios
The RAI relational KGMS combines Graph, Reasoning, and Learning in a single platform. Add cloud scalability, workload concurrency, and zero-copy cloning to get unique analytic flexibility.

New Technical Documentation Website
New Technical Documentation Website

Representing Data Graphically with Vega and Vega-Lite
Introducing support for Vega and Vega-Lite.