Representing Data Graphically with Vega and Vega-Lite image

Representing Data Graphically with Vega and Vega-Lite

Introducing support for Vega and Vega-Lite.

RelationalAI & Julia image

RelationalAI & Julia

At JuliaCon 2021 Huda Nassar gives an overview of what we do at RelationalAI, and highlights how we"ve used Julia to develop our RKGS and modeling language Rel.

Vectorized Query Evaluation in Julia image

Vectorized Query Evaluation in Julia

Modern databases can choose between two approaches to evaluating queries with high performance: Query Compilation compiles each query to optimized machine code, while Vectorization interprets queries using BLAS-style primitives.

Demo Highlights image

Demo Highlights

Learn about the Relational Knowledge Graph System RKGS in this demo that focuses on Data Applications built on Knowledge Graphs.

Relational Always Wins - How Relational is the Future of Graphs image

Relational Always Wins - How Relational is the Future of Graphs

Molham and Ellie talk about why relational always wins and the impact on graph technology.

What is a RAI Shot image

What is a RAI Shot

Our company is called RelationalAI. We use the initials RAI and pronounce it "rye". We were inspired by the distillation process of "rye shots."