Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) Detection
Using Reasoning and Graph Analytics on Data from Multiple Banks to Detect Money Laundering
Based on the 2020 case study from Banca d’Italia: "Rule-based Anti-Money Laundering in Financial Intelligence Units: Experience and Vision".
The high-level decision tasks for the case:
- Task 1: Suspicion assessment. Decide whether a financial transaction or a case meets a definition of "suspicious".
- Task 2: Suspicious offense determination. Decide whether a suspicious predicate offense underlines a transaction or case.
Some reasoning rules are designed by financial analysts and domain engineers, while others are learnt from data, e.g., with statistical relational learning approaches.
The main subject of the case is a Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) and its assessment per Tasks 1 and 2 above.
We define the search for a typical laundering pattern as follows: A person who is issuing a loan request to a bank of which he/she is the ultimate beneficial owner (UBO), may intend to launder unclean money via the bank.
Modeling Knowledge Graph Entities and Relationships
We start by defining and importing all the Python packages that we will need, including the relationalai
package. We then define a model object called AMLDemoSF
%pip install relationalai
import relationalai as rai
from relationalai.std.graphs import Graph
from relationalai.std.aggregates import sum, rank_asc
from relationalai.std import alias
import pandas as pd
from typing import Tuple
Note. Models represent collections of objects. Objects, like Python objects, have types and properties, which we will define in a bit.
Importing Data
We import a synthetic dataset (inspired by the paper from 2020 mentioned above) from a set of Snowflake tables. The tables contain information about the direct ownership relationship between financial institutions, companies and people.
The next two code cells create and populate the tables we'll use.
provider = rai.Provider()
create schema if not exists RAI_DEMO.AML;
create or replace table RAI_DEMO.AML.BANK (
ID NUMBER(18,0),
create or replace table RAI_DEMO.AML.COMPANY (
ID NUMBER(18,0),
create or replace table RAI_DEMO.AML.PERSON (
ID NUMBER(18,0),
create or replace table RAI_DEMO.AML.EMPLOYMENT (
create or replace table RAI_DEMO.AML.OWNERSHIP (
insert into RAI_DEMO.AML.BANK (ID, NAME)
(11, 'MyBank'),
(12, 'ACME Trust'),
(13, 'People Bank'),
(14, 'ACME Bank');
(1, 'NebulaTech Solutions'),
(2, 'Quantum Dynamics Innovations'),
(3, 'StellarSphere Enterprises'),
(4, 'CyberNexus Systems'),
(5, 'InfinityForge Technologies'),
(6, 'PhoenixRise Ventures'),
(7, 'CelestialWave Industries'),
(8, 'NovaCore Innovations'),
(9, 'DreamScape Enterprises'),
(10, 'ElysiumTech Solutions');
(13, 12, 93),
(12, 11, 23),
(11, 14, 34),
(11, 1, 70),
(11, 2, 12),
(11, 3, 65),
(3, 4, 100),
(3, 5, 40),
(3, 6, 61),
(6, 7, 40),
(6, 8, 81),
(6, 9, 3),
(7, 14, 45),
(8, 14, 15),
(8, 10, 11),
(23, 11, 32);
(21, 'Tom', 'Family Doe'),
(22, 'Bob', 'Family Doe'),
(23, 'Anna', 'Family Doe'),
(24, 'Mary', 'Family Doe');
(22, 13, 'CEO');
[Row(anonymous block=None)]
Note. We access data in Snowflake by simply passing our table location as
parameter while creating a model type in the format<my_database.my_schema.my_table>
, for instance, contains the data in a database calledRAI_DEMO
, schemaAML
and tableCOMPANY
model = rai.Model("AMLDemoSF", ensure_change_tracking=True)
Company = model.Type("Company", source = "RAI_DEMO.AML.COMPANY")
FinancialInstitution = model.Type("FinancialInstitution", source = "RAI_DEMO.AML.BANK")
Person = model.Type("Person", source = "RAI_DEMO.AML.PERSON")
Employment = model.Type("Employment", source = "RAI_DEMO.AML.EMPLOYMENT")
DirectOwnership = model.Type("DirectOwnership", source = "RAI_DEMO.AML.OWNERSHIP")
Note. We connect to Snowflake and create a Snowpark session using the
rai init
command. Adata stream
between the tables and theAMLDemoSF
model was created to stream the data from Snowflake to the RAI schema.
Here you can see a visualization of our base model:
Extending model with Types
Now we can add our own types to the model and populate them.
Note how we extend our LegalEntity
type with all instances of banks, companies and people. Employment
and DirectOwnership
relationships rules can now use it to refer to any of the three and populate properties that hold objects, like owner
, employer
, etc.
Finally, we create Family
instances from every value in Person
property (column).
Family = model.Type("Family")
LegalEntity = model.Type("LegalEntity")
DerivedOwnership = model.Type("DerivedOwnership")
TotalOwnership = model.Type("TotalOwnership")
Control = model.Type("Control")
with model.rule():
e = Employment()
e.set(employer = LegalEntity(id = e.employer_id), employee = Person(id = e.employee_id))
with model.rule():
do = DirectOwnership()
do.set(owner = LegalEntity(id = do.owner_id), asset = LegalEntity(id = do.asset_id), part = do.percent/100)
with model.rule():
p = Person()
p.set(family = Family.add(name = p.family_name).set(LegalEntity))
Here you can see a visualization of our extended model:
Let's write some queries now to get to know our data.
with model.query() as select:
fi = FinancialInstitution()
res = select(,
id | name |
11 | MyBank |
12 | ACME Trust |
13 | People Bank |
14 | ACME Bank |
with model.query() as select:
c = Company()
res = select(,
id | name |
1 | NebulaTech Solutions |
2 | Quantum Dynamics Innovations |
3 | StellarSphere Enterprises |
4 | CyberNexus Systems |
5 | InfinityForge Technologies |
6 | PhoenixRise Ventures |
7 | CelestialWave Industries |
8 | NovaCore Innovations |
9 | DreamScape Enterprises |
10 | ElysiumTech Solutions |
with model.query() as select:
p = Person()
res = select(p) # select(,, alias(, 'family name'))
sf_person |
cW6S8m7PKwayYyrUFQOwnA |
r1MhwkDR9RGGNg07nIf5BQ |
sAvunE8/tDW5b4Q7IVNIwg |
sIMZM6956KBcjN/vk1rXzA |
with model.query() as select:
e = Employment()
res = select(alias(, 'employee'), alias(, 'employer'), e.role)
employee | employer | role | |
0 | Bob | People Bank | CEO |
with model.query() as select:
o = DirectOwnership()
res = select(alias(, "owner"), alias(, "asset"), alias(o.part, "percent"))
owner | asset | percent | |
0 | ACME Trust | MyBank | 0.23 |
1 | Anna | MyBank | 0.32 |
2 | CelestialWave Industries | ACME Bank | 0.45 |
3 | MyBank | ACME Bank | 0.34 |
4 | MyBank | NebulaTech Solutions | 0.70 |
5 | MyBank | Quantum Dynamics Innovations | 0.12 |
6 | MyBank | StellarSphere Enterprises | 0.65 |
7 | NovaCore Innovations | ACME Bank | 0.15 |
8 | NovaCore Innovations | ElysiumTech Solutions | 0.11 |
9 | People Bank | ACME Trust | 0.93 |
10 | PhoenixRise Ventures | CelestialWave Industries | 0.40 |
11 | PhoenixRise Ventures | DreamScape Enterprises | 0.03 |
12 | PhoenixRise Ventures | NovaCore Innovations | 0.81 |
13 | StellarSphere Enterprises | CyberNexus Systems | 1.00 |
14 | StellarSphere Enterprises | InfinityForge Technologies | 0.40 |
15 | StellarSphere Enterprises | PhoenixRise Ventures | 0.61 |
Adding our input parameters
Given the data above, we want to check if a person is requesting a loan from a bank which is controlled by that person or his family. So let's see whether this is the case for Tom
requesting a loan
from the ACME Bank
activity_type = "loan"
person_name = "Tom"
bank_name = "ACME Bank"
Visualizing the input data
Let's take a closer look at all the direct ownership relationships. We define a weighted graph called direct_ownership_graph
and assign legal entities as well people to represent nodes
in the graph. Edges
represent the direct ownership relation. We use the ownership percentage as the weight of the relationship.
We mark Tom in red and the bank that he is requesting the loan from in yellow. Looking at only the input data, there does not seem to be a connection between the two.
direct_ownership_graph = Graph(model, weighted=True)
with model.rule():
p = Person(name = person_name)
with model.rule():
direct_ownership_graph.Node(FinancialInstitution(name = bank_name)).set(focus='source')
with model.rule():
o = DirectOwnership()
e = direct_ownership_graph.Edge.add(o.owner, o.asset, weight=o.part)
with direct_ownership_graph.Node(o.owner).focus == 'target':
ownership_graph_style = {
"node": {
"color": lambda n : '#f07f65' if n.get('focus')=='target' else '#edb551' if n.get('focus')=='source' else '#92979c',
"size": lambda n: 20 if n.get('focus')in['target','source'] else 10
"edge": {
"color": lambda e: '#f07f65' if e.get('focus')=='target' else "#92979c",
"label": lambda e: f'{(e.get("weight")*100):.2f}%',
"size": lambda e: e['weight'] * 5
direct_ownership_graph.visualize(three=False, show_edge_label = True, style=ownership_graph_style).display(inline=True)
Tip. This visualization shows us what known connections we have through ownership, but our Tom is not yet connected to anything in any way. Let's therefore extend our graph with additional knowledge.
Augmenting the Knowledge Graph with additional 'Direct' and 'Indirect Relationships'
While Tom might not have any direct association with this bank, he or his family might still control it indirectly, which would be suspicious and we would want to flag. Notice here that the concept of “control” as well as “family” are not explicitly defined in our input data, we thus need to define it as part of our model. So let’s augment our knowledge graph with additional data, to see if this might change.
We do this by defining the concept of control
both at the person as well as the family level.
Extending direct ownership due to 100% control
We make the following assumptions on when to extend direct relationships due to 'control' relationships:
- If a person is the CEO of a company, it implies that she has 100% control of the company.
- A family owns everything that its members own.
Note. We first create 2 rules, one is looking at
instances for arole
of CEO, to connectemployee
property. We then use it to say that there is aDirectOwnership
instance of1.0
value from CEO to the company.Another rule then creates
instances of1.0
from every person'sfamily
property to himself.
with model.rule():
e = Employment(role = "CEO")
e.employee.set(isCeoAt = e.employer)
# CEO of a company has 100% ownership
with model.rule():
p = Person()
DirectOwnership.add(owner = p, asset = p.isCeoAt).set(part = 1.0)
# Family owns everything that its members own
with model.rule():
p = Person()
DirectOwnership.add(owner =, asset = p).set(part = 1.0)
Visualizing the new edges due to 100% control from CEO or via family members
Notice how knowing the family members, we can determine the overall relationship of family with a financial institution. Given that Tom belongs to the Doe Family, everything he owns is also owned by his family, so we mark the Doe Family node also as red.
with model.rule():
p = Person(name = person_name)
vis = direct_ownership_graph.visualize(three=False, show_edge_label = True, style=ownership_graph_style)
Tip. Our ownership graph looks much more connected now! However, it is still unclear if there is anything suspicious in Tom taking a loan from the "ACME Bank". So let's keep adding knowledge to help interpret our graph.
Additional derived control
Let's infer additional relationships due to some broadly accepted formulations, also present in logic programming contexts:
- A company (or a person/family) X controls a company Y, if X directly owns more than 50% of Y
# rule 1
with model.rule():
o = DirectOwnership()
o.part > 0.5
c = Control.add(controller = o.owner, controlled = o.asset)
control_graph = Graph(model)
control_graph.Node.extend(LegalEntity, label =
with model.rule():
p = Person(name = person_name)
with model.rule():
bank = FinancialInstitution(name=bank_name)
with model.not_found():
Control(controller=Person(name = person_name).family, controlled=bank)
with model.rule():
c = Control()
e = control_graph.Edge.add(c.controller, c.controlled)
with control_graph.Node(c.controller).focus=='target':
with c.controlled == LegalEntity(Company|FinancialInstitution):
control_graph_style = {
"node": {
"color": lambda n : '#f07f65' if n.get('focus')in ['target', 'controlled'] else '#edb551' if n.get('focus')=='source' else '#92979c',
"size": lambda n: 20 if n.get('focus')in['target','source', 'controlled'] else 10
"edge": {
"color": lambda e: "#f07f65" if e.get('focus')=='target' else '#92979c',
"size": lambda e: 5 if e.get('focus')=='target' else 1
vis = control_graph.visualize(three=False, style=control_graph_style)
vis.display(inline=True) # interactive visualization can be commented out in favor of zoomed in inserted image
Tip. This visualization now shows us how Tom's family members control some banks and companies, but "ACME Bank" is not yet one of them. We therefore will add another rule.
Let's add one more rule:
- X controls a set of companies that jointly (i.e., summing the share amounts), and possibly together with X, own more than 50% of Y
Note. We now introduce a recursive rule to propagate
relationship further. Usingmodel.match(multiple=True)
we first get all ofDirectOwnership
instances whereowner
is either an entity alreadycontrolled
by entity X, or is X itself. Thensum
of all thepart
s for every pair ofcontroller
is checked to be greater than0.5
. If that's the case - we get a newControl
# rule 2
with model.rule():
ctrl = Control()
o = DirectOwnership()
with model.match(multiple=True) as all_ownerships:
with o.owner == ctrl.controlled: all_ownerships.add(o)
with o.owner == ctrl.controller: all_ownerships.add(o)
sum(all_ownerships, all_ownerships.part, per = [ctrl.controller, all_ownerships.asset]) > 0.5
c = Control.add(controller = ctrl.controller, controlled = all_ownerships.asset)
vis = control_graph.visualize(three=False, style=control_graph_style)
vis.display(inline=True) # interactive visualization can be commented out in favor of zoomed in inserted image
Tip. Look, family Doe controls more and more! But the link to "ACME Bank" is still missing.
Deriving accumulated ownership using recursion
Add rules to accumulate direct and indirect ownerships that Tom exerts on ACME Bank, along all possible ownership paths.
Note. Another recursive rule now uses two
instances to derive sub-part that entity owns through another entity. We introduceDerivedOwnership
which is identified additionally bysub_owner
, as there can be multiple paths - entities, through which ownership can be derived. Note how we then add both instances ofOwnership
used to create aDerivedOwnership
to a multi-valued propertysub_source
, usingextend
method. We will use it later to explain the numbers.
# Initialize recursive derived ownership rule with known direct ownerships
with model.rule():
# Recursively add every path from E1 to E3 via E2,
# where E1 -> E2 is a known direct ownership and E2 -> E3 is previously derived path
with model.rule():
o = DirectOwnership()
sub_o = TotalOwnership(owner = o.asset)
# Keyed not only by owner and asset, but also by intermediate sub_owner
new = DerivedOwnership.add(owner = o.owner, sub_owner = o.asset, asset = sub_o.asset).set(part = o.part * sub_o.part)
new.sub_source.extend([o, sub_o])
# Sum up all of the derived paths from E1 to E2 to identify the total ownership
with model.rule():
do = DerivedOwnership()
to = TotalOwnership.add(owner = do.owner, asset = do.asset).set(part = sum(do, do.part, per = [do.owner, do.asset]))
Let's take a look at all the ownerships that we just derived.
Note: because we included the sub_owner
in our results, we only get derived ownerships and direct ones are excluded
with model.query() as select:
d = DerivedOwnership() == 'Anna'
res = select(alias(, 'owner'), alias(,'sub_owner'), alias(, 'asset'), alias(d.part*100, 'derived (%)'))
owner | sub_owner | asset | derived (%) |
Anna | MyBank | ACME Bank | 14.705432 |
Anna | MyBank | CelestialWave Industries | 5.075200 |
Anna | MyBank | CyberNexus Systems | 20.800000 |
Anna | MyBank | DreamScape Enterprises | 0.380640 |
Anna | MyBank | ElysiumTech Solutions | 1.130501 |
Anna | MyBank | InfinityForge Technologies | 8.320000 |
Anna | MyBank | NebulaTech Solutions | 22.400000 |
Anna | MyBank | NovaCore Innovations | 10.277280 |
Anna | MyBank | PhoenixRise Ventures | 12.688000 |
Anna | MyBank | Quantum Dynamics Innovations | 3.840000 |
Anna | MyBank | StellarSphere Enterprises | 20.800000 |
Tip. Quite a lot of new indirectly-owned assets (and that's for Anna alone).
Extending Control
relationship with accumulated ownership
Let's now use total values that we get from summing up all of the possible paths in order identify more controlling relationships
Note. We now want to repeat the same rules, defining
relationship, but using new accumulated ownership values fromTotalOwnership
instead ofDirectOwnership
with model.rule():
o = TotalOwnership()
o.part > 0.5
c = Control.add(controller = o.owner, controlled = o.asset)
c.reason.add(1) #used later for visualization purposes
with model.rule():
ctrl = Control()
o = TotalOwnership()
with model.match(multiple=True) as all_ownerships:
with o.owner == ctrl.controlled: all_ownerships.add(o)
with o.owner == ctrl.controller: all_ownerships.add(o)
sum(all_ownerships, all_ownerships.part, per = [ctrl.controller, all_ownerships.asset]) > 0.5
c = Control.add(controller = ctrl.controller, controlled = all_ownerships.asset)
control_graph.visualize(three=False, style=control_graph_style).display(inline=True)
Tip. Now here's a surprise, it looks like ACME Bank is actually controlled by the Doe Family!
Overall Pattern:
- Anna directly owns 0.32 of My Bank and Bob indirectly owns 0.21 = 1 * 0.93 * 0.23 of My Bank.
- In total, family Doe controls My Bank owning 0.53 of the shares.
- My Bank, in turn, controls ACME Bank holding 0.34 of the shares directly and controlling Phoenix Ventures company with 0.30 of the shares via a pyramidal shareholding structure, probably set up to obfuscate the connection between the two companies.
Conclusion: family Doe controls ACME Bank.
with model.query() as select:
p = Person(name = person_name)
fi = FinancialInstitution(name = bank_name)
ctrl = Control(controller =, controlled = fi)
res = select(alias(, 'controller'), alias(, 'controlled'))
controller | controlled |
Family Doe | ACME Bank |
Full explanation of the specific financial fraudulent schemes
Let's query all relevant ownerships from which the accumulated family ownership of the ACME Bank got derived.
with model.rule():
d = DerivedOwnership()
max_depth = 5 # set the level of sub-ownerships to be explained
with model.query(dynamic=True) as select:
main_own = TotalOwnership(owner=Person(name = person_name).family, asset=FinancialInstitution(name = bank_name))
with model.match(multiple=True, dynamic=True) as rel_ownerships:
rel_ownerships.add(main_own, own=main_own, order = 0, type=main_own.type)
for i in range(max_depth):
own = main_own
rank = 0
for j in range(i):
rank = rank_asc(own.sub_source, per = [own])*(10**(i-j)) + rank
own = own.sub_source
sub_own = own.sub_source
rank = rank + rank_asc(sub_own, per = [own])
rel_ownerships.add(sub_own, own=sub_own, order = rank, type = sub_own.type)
res = select(rel_ownerships.order, alias(, 'owner'), alias(, 'asset'), rel_ownerships.own.part, alias(rel_ownerships.type, 'type/sub owner'))
pd.DataFrame(res.results, columns = ['owner', 'asset', 'part', 'type/sub owner'])
owner | asset | part | type/sub owner | |
0 | Family Doe | ACME Bank | 0.245351 | total |
1 | Family Doe | ACME Bank | 0.098297 | Bob |
2 | Family Doe | ACME Bank | 0.147054 | Anna |
3 | Bob | ACME Bank | 0.098297 | total |
4 | Family Doe | Bob | 1.000000 | direct |
5 | Anna | ACME Bank | 0.147054 | total |
6 | Family Doe | Anna | 1.000000 | direct |
7 | Bob | ACME Bank | 0.098297 | People Bank |
8 | Anna | ACME Bank | 0.147054 | MyBank |
9 | People Bank | ACME Bank | 0.098297 | total |
10 | Bob | People Bank | 1.000000 | direct |
11 | Anna | MyBank | 0.320000 | direct |
12 | MyBank | ACME Bank | 0.459545 | total |
13 | People Bank | ACME Bank | 0.098297 | ACME Trust |
14 | MyBank | ACME Bank | 0.119545 | StellarSphere Enterprises |
15 | MyBank | ACME Bank | 0.340000 | direct |
Relevant ownerships graph
ownerships_graph = Graph(model, weighted=True)
Node, Edge = ownerships_graph.Node, ownerships_graph.Edge
Node.extend(LegalEntity, label =
# Assign `value` to every node of the graph having some ownership of the FI of interest
with model.rule():
fi = FinancialInstitution(name = bank_name)
to = TotalOwnership(asset = fi)
Node(to.owner).set(value = to.part)
Node(fi).set(value = 1.0, focus = 'target')
with model.rule():
p = Person()
Edge.add(Node(, Node(p), kind = 'in family')
with model.rule():
p = Person()
Edge(Node(p), Node(p.isCeoAt)).set( kind = 'ceo')
with model.rule():
p = Person(name = person_name)
Node(p).set(focus = 'target')
Node( = 'target')
# Using TotalOwnership connect family of the person of interest with the FI of interest
with model.rule():
fam = Person(name = person_name).family
fi = FinancialInstitution(name = bank_name)
Edge.add(fam, fi, ownership = TotalOwnership(owner = fam, asset = fi))
# Add edges relevant to show where existing edges (ownerships) got derived from
with model.rule():
e = Edge()
own = e.ownership
with own.sub_source.sub_owner:
sub_own = TotalOwnership(owner=own.sub_source.owner, asset=own.sub_source.sub_owner)
Edge.add(sub_own.owner, sub_own.asset, ownership = sub_own)
sub_sub_own = TotalOwnership(owner=own.sub_source.sub_owner, asset=own.sub_source.asset)
Edge.add(sub_sub_own.owner, sub_sub_own.asset, ownership = sub_sub_own)
# Add `weight`
with model.rule():
e = Edge()
e.set(weight = TotalOwnership(owner = e.from_, asset =
ownerships_graph.visualize(three=False, show_edge_label = True,
"node": {
"color": lambda n : '#f07f65' if n.get('focus') == 'target' else '#92979c',
"size": lambda n: n.get("value")**(1/2) * 50 if n.get("value") else 10
"edge": {
"color": "#3baca3",
"label": lambda e: "family member" if e.get("kind") == "in family" else "CEO at" if e.get("kind") == "ceo" else f'{e.get("weight")*100:.2f}%',
"size": lambda e: e['weight'] * 5
Relevant Control Graph
control_graph = Graph(model)
Node, Edge = control_graph.Node, control_graph.Edge
Node.extend(LegalEntity, label =
# Assign `value` to every node of the graph having some ownership of the FI of interest
with model.rule():
fi = FinancialInstitution(name = bank_name)
to = TotalOwnership(asset = fi)
Node(to.owner).set(value = to.part)
Node(fi).set(value = 1.0, focus = 'target')
with model.rule():
p = Person()
Edge.add(Node(, Node(p), kind = 'in family')
with model.rule():
p = Person()
Edge(Node(p), Node(p.isCeoAt)).set( kind = 'ceo')
with model.rule():
p = Person(name = person_name)
Node(p).set(focus = 'target')
Node( = 'target')
with model.rule():
p = Person(name = person_name)
c = Control(controller =
c.controlled != p
with TotalOwnership(owner = c.controlled, asset=FinancialInstitution(name=bank_name)):
Edge.add(c.controller, c.controlled)
with model.rule():
n = Node(focus = "controlled")
n == LegalEntity(Company|FinancialInstitution)
fi = FinancialInstitution(name = bank_name)
TotalOwnership(owner = n, asset = fi)
c = Control(controller = n)
TotalOwnership(owner = c.controlled, asset = fi)
Edge.add(n, c.controlled)
with model.rule():
n = Node(focus = "controlled")
n == LegalEntity(Company|FinancialInstitution)
fi = FinancialInstitution(name = bank_name)
Control(controller = n, controlled = fi)
Edge.add(n, fi)
with model.rule():
e = Edge()
Control(controller = e.from_, controlled = == 1
e.set(kind = "direct control")
control_graph.visualize(three=False, show_edge_label=True,
"node": {
"color": lambda n : '#f07f65' if n.get('focus') == 'target' else '#edb551' if n.get('focus')=='controlled' else '#92979c',
"size": lambda n: n.get("value")**(1/2) * 50 if n.get("value") else 10
"edge": {
"color": lambda e: "#f07f65" if e.get('kind') == 'direct control' else '#edb551',
"label": lambda e: "family member" if e.get("kind") == "in family" else "CEO at" if e.get("kind") == "ceo" else '',
"size": 2
Writing results back to Snowflake
As a final step, we want to provide a way to get the result of our analysis from Snowflake, where we are getting the data from. In order to do that, we create a stored procedure, which returns all of the Control
relationships identified.
def detect_control() -> Tuple[str, str]:
ctrl = Control()
Note. Using
we create a stored procedure calleddetect_control
in therai_demo
schema. We can now execute it right here usingmodel.resources._exec()
controls = model.resources._exec("call rai_demo.aml.detect_control();")
pd.DataFrame(controls, columns=['controller', 'controlled'])
controller | controlled | |
0 | MyBank | NovaCore Innovations |
1 | MyBank | InfinityForge Technologies |
2 | MyBank | PhoenixRise Ventures |
3 | MyBank | NebulaTech Solutions |
4 | MyBank | CyberNexus Systems |
5 | MyBank | ACME Bank |
6 | MyBank | StellarSphere Enterprises |
7 | MyBank | CelestialWave Industries |
8 | Family Doe | Tom |
9 | Family Doe | MyBank |
10 | Family Doe | NovaCore Innovations |
11 | Family Doe | InfinityForge Technologies |
12 | Family Doe | PhoenixRise Ventures |
13 | Family Doe | People Bank |
14 | Family Doe | NebulaTech Solutions |
15 | Family Doe | CyberNexus Systems |
16 | Family Doe | ACME Bank |
17 | Family Doe | Mary |
18 | Family Doe | StellarSphere Enterprises |
19 | Family Doe | CelestialWave Industries |
20 | Family Doe | Anna |
21 | Family Doe | ACME Trust |
22 | Family Doe | Bob |
23 | PhoenixRise Ventures | NovaCore Innovations |
24 | People Bank | ACME Trust |
25 | StellarSphere Enterprises | NovaCore Innovations |
26 | StellarSphere Enterprises | PhoenixRise Ventures |
27 | StellarSphere Enterprises | CyberNexus Systems |
28 | StellarSphere Enterprises | ACME Bank |
29 | StellarSphere Enterprises | CelestialWave Industries |
30 | Bob | MyBank |
31 | Bob | NovaCore Innovations |
32 | Bob | InfinityForge Technologies |
33 | Bob | PhoenixRise Ventures |
34 | Bob | People Bank |
35 | Bob | NebulaTech Solutions |
36 | Bob | CyberNexus Systems |
37 | Bob | ACME Bank |
38 | Bob | StellarSphere Enterprises |
39 | Bob | CelestialWave Industries |
40 | Bob | ACME Trust |